Creating a Memory Book Journal for Toddlers

So you wrapped up your baby book. Now what? You don't have to stop memory keeping just because your baby's first birthday has come and gone. In fact, toddlers might be even more fun to document because their individual personalities are really shining at this point. Baby Notebook is the perfect solution for creating a memory book journal tailored to the incredible, imaginative stage your child is in. 

A toddler holds open a memory book journal showing toddler milestones.

What to Do When the Baby Book is Done

A baby book isn't your only chance to make a memory book journal for your child. At Baby Notebook, we've talked to parents who loved every minute of creating their baby books and others shouldering too much guilt for not completing one at all. You're not a bad parent if you didn't finish that baby book. Your child still has years of stories worth preserving.

In our experience, parents have just as much fun creating toddler books as baby books. Many enthusiastically jump from one memory book journal straight into the next. Here's what a few of our subscribers shared with us after getting their baby books through Baby Notebook.

“I just received my baby book, and it is gorgeous! It far exceeds my expectations. And putting it together was so easy! I'm now using the app for my boy's toddler book!

“First off, the picture and print quality of all pages in this book are exquisite. I absolutely love my baby's photo book and have already been working on his toddler book! I hope they make one for every age!”

“This book is beautiful. I am blown away by the quality of this book! It was so easy to add pictures and write notes. I'm so grateful for this baby book, and have already started the toddler book! This is priceless!”

Of all our books, the Toddler Book might just be our favorite. Davia based it on her own experience with her son Levi. When he was one, she started writing about him. Those writings inspired age-appropriate prompts for this book. 

Two children sit side by side reading a toddler memory book.

What to Look for in a Memory Book Journal for Your Toddler

You've probably noticed that your toddler is growing and changing in ways that a baby book couldn't adequately capture. When you're picking a memory book journal for your toddler, here are some things you'll want to look for:

  • Plenty of space for photos
  • Places to write milestones and favorites
  • Options to write letters to your child
  • Spaces to put your kids' quotes

At Baby Notebook, we see so many families' memory books. One thing we've noticed is that parents tend to write more about their toddlers than they do about their babies. It makes sense. Your child is no longer just a baby burrito. They're becoming this tiny person with a personality and character. 

When our co-founder Davia documented her second child, she found herself more in tune with what they were doing, attempting to say, or mimicking. Toddlers grow and learn so much so fast. This book can pretty much only be done in the moment of that year. That's what makes it so special. The beauty of Baby Notebook is that it gives you a way to create a memory book journal in real time. As soon as your child gives you a “I want to remember that forever” moment, you can add it to the app.

You can get a preview of the Toddler Book in the video below. 

Aside from the lovely mix of photos and written messages, you'll notice that the book looks clean and modern. We put a lot of consideration into timeless design for all of our memory books. That way they'll feel true to you and become a beloved keepsake to your child as they grow older. They're also more durable than scrapbooks with lots of elements cut and pasted in. 

How to Create a Beautiful Toddler Book - the Easy Way

Creating a memory book journal can be fun and easy with the right support. We designed Baby Notebook to make memory keeping manageable and fulfilling even for the busiest families. You can fill in the Toddler Book on the go. Alternatively, set weekly reminders so that you can create your book in just a few minutes a week over the course of the year. Check out the Memory Book Journal for Toddlers along with our other books. 

Ready to start documenting your favorite moments as your toddler grows?  Download the Baby Notebook App!

Thank you to Sara Welch Photography and Elena Pieshkina for the beautiful images for this blog post.